OpenCPU release 1.4.5: configurable webhooks

November 10, 2014

OpenCPU 1.4.5 is a patch release that improves performance by taking advantage of latest versions of jsonlite, devtools, knitr, openssl, etc. Also new in this release is the option to pass build parameters for deploying on (or your own opencpu server) using the github webhook.

As usual, server binaries for Ubuntu, Fedora and Suse are available from Launchpad and Build Service. There should not be any breaking changes, but perhaps double check that all is OK next time you run apt-get upgrade on your server. If you are in production and do not want to upgrade, make sure to comment-out the opencpu-1.4 ppa in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ conf files.

The opencpu-1.4 repository now ships with:

  • OpenCPU 1.4.5
  • R 3.1.2
  • Rcpp 0.11.3
  • RApache 1.2.5
  • RStudio-Server 0.98.1087

For Debian/CentOS users, instructions to build opencpu-server packages from source are on github: rpm and deb.

Configurable webhooks

Any R package on Github can automatically be deployed to by setting the ocpu webhook in your github repository. It takes about 15 seconds to setup, and is a great way to continuously publish and test code, data, documentation, vignettes from your package. You will also get notified by email if your package fails to build. If you are not using yet, now would be a good time to add the webhook :-)

New in this release is that http parameters added to the webhook URL will be passed to install_github. For example if you want to build vignettes of your package, use webhook:

Or if your package is in a subdir in the repo:

In addition to parameters for install_github, there is currently one extra parameter sendmail (true/false) which specifies if the server sends an email with the build status.